Nursery Provided for Infants and Toddlers
It is our privilege at Providence Presbyterian Church to provide quality nursery care for children from birth to four years of age during Sunday School and Sunday morning worship. The nursery is staffed with volunteers from the congregation. There are two nursery rooms designated for our young children, Infant and Toddler, and a quiet room for nursing moms at the back of the sanctuary.
We highly value our volunteers and the ministry they provide to children on Sundays. We also value our children and want to provide them an environment that is safe and nurturing so they can actively learn about the God who loves them. At the same time, because we do love and value the children of our church, we also encourage the parents of our church to bring their children to participate in the corporate worship service at as early an age as possible.
We take very seriously our covenant responsibilities to help parents raise their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. One of the best ways that we can do this is by welcoming and encouraging our children to attend and participate in worship, even as Jesus received the little children unto Himself (Luke 18:15-17). We understand that each family situation and each child is different and that the provision of nursery care is helpful. Yet, we also desire that our parents feel the freedom to bring their children to worship that they may learn and grow in the faith and life of the church from an early age.
*Parents and nursery volunteers may view or download the “Nursery Ministry Handbook and Policies and Procedures Manual” here.*